![]() If you feel like your creative spirit is asleep, or has disappeared altogether, take a hike, or at least a walk—which is more my speed these days. This morning I followed a pathway around a pond. Bursts of pink and white blooms floated upon shiny green petals, like servings of a delectable dessert. After months of working on The Adventures of Agnes, Book Two, I was reminded of God’s provision, His encouragement, when we need it the most. I have spent untold hours in labor, and as writers or artists know, that’s what we do because our creative spirits have been stirred. Yet there may come a time when the well seems dry as dust. During the process of writing my second book, I have deleted scenes—well, not exactly. I’ve saved most of them to a separate file to possibly use in book three. I have rewritten and revised the manuscript and added new scenes to move the plot along. What is plot? The glue that holds the book together, the storyline. I love my characters, but sometimes they wander about going nowhere or somewhere they should not go. A good plot can rein them in just enough, but not too much. Hopefully I am learning, and I have much to learn, but that’s part of the joy of writing. I am thankful for the journey, as crazy as it can be sometimes. If you feel like you are walking across a desert, a dry and dusty land, for whatever reason, try to find a place where you can see the beauty of God’s creation. If you can’t leave your home perhaps you can find a window where you can look to the heavens. The cloud formations lately have been amazing. Be encouraged. Put your hope, your faith, in our Creator. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This page is dedicated to my inspirations and those who have enriched my life along the way.
August 2016