Ann Wirtz in Hand of Mercy has woven compelling stories of how the Lord worked miracles in the lives of ordinary people, including her own personal life. Not only will you will enjoy reading about Ann and her book, you will be blessed. WELCOME, ANN! It has been five years, 2011, since I first heard about and received the request to write the book that became Hand of Mercy. It seemed impossible, what was needed to do the story justice. I put off my answer for many months until I at last came to the conclusion I couldn’t do it. I simply didn’t feel adequate to the task. I finally called Gene Andrews to tell him, “No,” I wouldn’t be writing about his father, Joseph Nowicki, In the course of our conversation, I did ask him to tell me more about how his atheist father became a believer in Christ. We were both in tears at the end of his account, and I knew I had to reconsider my decision. After a week of prayer, the commitment was made to go forward. Writing Hand of Mercy has been a great adventure, and I’m grateful to our Dear Lord for giving me this amazing opportunity. The book was written to impart hope for the believer and truth for the unbeliever, a true story of God’s loving grace and mercy on our lives. After she read my book, I was interviewed by Tiffany Close from “The Journey Christian Newspaper.” She wrote an excellent review of Hand of Mercy that has appeared in the March, 2016, Blue Ridge Edition: POSTED BY: TIFFANY CLOSE Written by: Ann Greenleaf Wirtz This book tells the inspired stories of a family who experienced God in several miraculous ways. It is based on Joseph Nowicki and his journey of faith after he died twice, experienced hell, and then learned what it means to receive salvation. What touched the author most about this family’s story? Wirtz said, “I was drawn to the mercy God showed this particular family through all the various challenges and trials they endured. I saw the scope of His hand upon the family, from the early years of Joseph Nowicki’s life when he was an atheist imprisoned at a Russian work camp to the horrific accident when he was 80 years old, an accident in which he died twice. I felt renewed hope for myself and for those I love.” Who should read the book? “I wrote this book with the unbeliever in mind,” she said, “the person who knows little to nothing about who Jesus Christ really is, and for the person who has rejected God because of bitter disappointment or unbelief.” The book can also be used for personal or group study. “I have written ‘A Deeper Reflection’ at the conclusion of each chapter in Hand of Mercy,” she explained, “as a way to delve more deeply into what Scripture says about our life experiences.” Review: The reflection portion combined with Scripture can benefit a lot of people. If you know someone in a nursing home or hospital you can read to or someone who has own wrestled with seeing God in the difficult moments of life, this book can be a gentle but Bible-based tool for witnessing. The stories are relevant to those who have served in the armed forces as well as those who have experienced illness and traumatic, life-changing events. Wirtz resides in Hendersonville, N.C., with her husband Patrick. She says, “Nothing gives me greater joy than the opportunity to share my love and faith in our Dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” For more information, visit
June 2023
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